Connect Dubber and Dynamics 365

Dubber is one of most reliable, secure, and scalable call recording software available to businesses. Dubber automatically records incoming and outgoing calls and stores the data in one place. No downloads or installations are required on your end to use Dubber. You can choose to access your recordings from any device from anywhere in the world. With Dubber, you’ll always have access to your data as long as you have internet connection.

Dynamics 365 is a CRM that empowers sales teams with tools to track leads, opportunities, and customer interactions, enabling them to manage their pipeline effectively. Through its intelligent analytics and reporting capabilities, businesses can make data-driven decisions, optimize sales strategies, and identify trends for more targeted engagement.

TransferVox can connect Dubber to Dynamics so that your call recordings and/or transcripts are available natively within Microsoft Dynamics, keeping you in compliance with all regulatory requirements. TransferVox also integrates with Salesforce, Azure, HubSpot, Google Cloud Platform, and others — serving as your core integration point for your telephony needs.

Everything about Dubber

Dubber is the perfect call recording software-as-service for your business needs. It’s not just a call recording software, it’s a service. You can count on Dubber to be there when you need to manage your workforce and improve customer care. The benefits of Dubber are endless: easy to use, scalable, and dependable.

Why integrate Dubber with Dynamics?

Dynamics 365 is a powerful Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution designed to revolutionize how businesses manage and enhance their customer interactions. As a comprehensive suite of applications, Dynamics 365 offers a robust platform for organizations to streamline their sales, marketing, and customer service operations. By leveraging its integrated tools, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer behaviors, preferences, and needs, enabling them to build stronger and more personalized relationships.

How does TransferVox help integrate Dubber and Microsoft Dynamics 365?

TransferVox, the leading middleware platform focused on telephony integrations, seamlessly brings Dubber and Dynamics together. You can also integrate Dubber with a wide variety of other services to meet your needs.

Get in touch with TransferVox today!

The use of the Dubber and Dynamics name and logo do not constitute an endorsement or certification by Dubber or Dynamics of TransferVox. We are an independent company that provides services to Dubber and Dynamics customers.